Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday Morning!

So Saturday morning we went back to Sharon Woods - and I found some cute little falls and a brilliant tree to photograph! I was in serious love with the colors of this tree...you'll see :)

And my favorite one from that day!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another trip to Sharon Woods..

The leaves have changed even more, so more opportunity for beautiful pictures!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Itsy bitsy spider...

Of course I took some new pictures!! Walking the pups, in the chilly early morning, I saw some beautiful pictures I just had to get! Well the lake was a little less early morning, and actually a different morning all together. Every Saturday and Sunday, my Fiance and I take our dogs up to a beautiful park to walk them, and we walk the 2.5 miles around that gorgeous lake :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

A couple pictures I like...

I don't have my camera cord with me (we had two, where the second went, no clue...) anyway, so I dug around and found some shots I thought everyone would enjoy :)

My brother and his son - these might be some of my favorite pictures ever. You should see my nephew when my brother talks to him or holds him - he gets so excited and happy, it's the sweetest thing in the world!

When I was younger, it was a game for my brothers and I to see who could collect the most of these shells at my grandparents house. I just thought this was a neat picture.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My wedding band!

I have to have some alterations made to it so that it sits correctly with my engagement ring, but it's so pretty and it's going to be just what I've been looking for!

And the man that will put it on my finger :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

AHR location??!!??

So there's this place called Sharon Woods where we go run every Saturday and Sunday. It's really a beautiful area, and they have a cute little place called Lakeside Lodge that would be oh so cute for our At home reception! What do you think?